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As women, it amazes me how we are so quick to believe what a man tells us, but so quickly we doubt God and his promises. WHAT?? Yeah i said it because we know it's true

Psalm 146:3 Do not trust in princes, In mortal man, in whom there is no salvation.

Numbers 23:19 God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?

Oftentimes we as humans trust others people more than we trust in God. We put our hope in man than in God. This is causing us to have offense, failure, depression, disappointment & ultimately disaster.

I personally know because in my disobedience to God, in my "I got it God" attitude, in my stubborn ways & thinking my way is better than his, I have had to learn that his way, his will, & his timing are more than better than mine.

And in learning that I have caused myself great pain, great disappointment, loss & suffering. Knowing now that if I would have listened to God and did things his way I would have saved myself great disappointment & setback.

Never fault a person for what they been through. What they have been through has made who they are today. If you become judge mental on another's journey you may in turn hinder yourself and lose blessings.

God is so compassionate & merciful that he uses all of that for the good of you, if you will allow him and begin to BELIEVE & TRUST HIM, YOU WILL EXPERIENCE GREATER BLESSINGS & PEACE IN YOUR SPIRIT THAT YOU EVER HAVE.

Think about it. Who do you trust? Your spouse? Your kids? Your doctor? Your pastor?

If you trust these people who will fail you, why would you not trust in the SAVIOR WHO WILL NOT FAIL YOU. -JESUS CHRIST

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