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The Old & New Temple

Good afternoon everyone, hope you all are having a blessed day. Please continue to keep me & family in prayer. Peace be still in Jesus name, even as I went to write this warfare broke out quite heavily. As in any battle made me quite weary. But I will continue to fight the good fight of faith. Truly you can feel the fight most days I know many of you understand heavy warfare & it's aftermath.

There are so many I see confused, suffering & hurt & I have been in great prayer for them & myself I feel I am one of them as well. Wearied from warfare but I go on in hope as God's my anchor in spirit I know I must trust him every second of every moment.

I shared several dreams on facebook people of God. Dreams such as:

-Someone receiving inheritance

-new marriages

-workers strike maybe involving the bay/gulf or water work

-2 dreams of caring for orphans now

-what was stolen will be returned with an apology restoration & restitution

As I began my bible study the Lord took me to Ezekiel where an angel is speaking with the prophet Ezekiel about the building of the temple & that God would dwell there with the people. It amazed me how precise & meticulous God was about the building of the temples & every single persons duty he had designated. Several chapters went on with God, the angel, & Ezekiel discussing these preparations for the temple.

I began to ask God many questions & he told me that is the old man made temple. But the new temple lives in us now.

19Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;20you were bought at a price. Therefore glorify God with your body.…1 Corinithians 6:19

He took me to the words Jesus last words "It is finished" John 19:30. This finished the building of the new temple within each of you he told me. It was part of Jesus assignments on earth.

The Lord began to speak to my heart declaring we are the new temple, the Holy Spirit dwells within us. The More of the Holy Spirit within us the more fruit is produced as in mentioned in ezekiel - the river flowing out of the temple grew tress that produced, food & medicine & fresh water. The Lord told me we may yearn for physical manifestations such as money, cars, houses, but the fruit of the spirit needs to be first priority.

The Lord told me we must first allow him to work on our spirits, minds, & hearts this is the potters touch on us the clay. God works on our spirit first long before we may see material things. I believe many of us can agree the enemy has no problem with us focusing on material growth more than spiritual growth.

The Lord told me many will not accept this type of gospel & message from God as it is the truth. Many have created their own truths as the Pharisees did & their hearts far from God. None the less, we will stay in prayer for them.

But God gave me this beautiful revelation in order to tell us our temples, our bodies & souls are in preparation to make us a great vessel God uses upon this earth. Constantly, he is shaping us he gave me this to remind his people.

Thomas called Didymus was not with the followers when Jesus came. Thomas was 1 of the 12. The others follows told Thomas, "We saw the Lord," But Thomas aid, "I will not believe it until I see the nail marks in his hands, & I will not believe until I put my finger where the nails were & put my hand into his side."

A week later the followers were in the house again. The doors were locked, but Jestus came in & stood among them. He said, Peace be with you! Then he said to Thomas "Put your finger here, Look at my hands, Put your hands here in my side.

Stop doubting & Believe." John 21

..Then Jesus told him, "You believe because you see me. Those who believe without seeing me will be truly happy."

The Lord told me to tell the people of God, do not be deceived he has heard every word you have ever spoken, every thought you have ever conceived, your private prayers God has heard them. His message simply- Stop doubting & Believe.

We shouldn't need to touch his wounds to believe. He says to believe him this is a matter of faith. Rebuke the spirit of doubt, fear, & deception everyday & BELIEVE HIM FOR THE SUPERNATURAL!!!!

I pray this message blesses, encourages, & strengthens your heart in Jesus name.

Please share your testimonies & share as God leads.

Father send this to those it is meant for & bless your message forevermore.

Thank you Father that you are so wonderful beyond words & your love incomprehensible we praise your Holy name Thank you Jesus! Thank you for all Lord. Hear our hearts prayers in Jesus name. Amen

Return to your rest, my soul, for the Lord has been good to you.

– Psalm 116:7 (NIV)

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