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Gods Restoration & Vengeance

Transcript: May 25 2018 (Friday) Dreams-Warfare, God's Vengeance on the enemy

The Lord showed me a church then I seen a mouth open & two different color pills go down into the body... the pastor or servant of God had taken these pills, the enemy meant to cause fatigue & weariness, the pastor was very courageous & wanted to go do his duty for God, but as he began to step out of the church there were massive sand storms.

Then the Lord showed me a map but all you could see were red alerts- relating to Chaos, Confusion, Warfare, Weather...they red alerts were everywhere.

Hospital-(the world)people hurting

Women of God sad & weary- (mourning) weeping putting something like ashes on the head, reminded me of when people mourned in the bible. For many nights I have felt a sadness in the spirit for the world & have been interceding.

I approached God's throne weeping for the world, he said WILL YOU CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR HER? The saints mumbled among themselves, with tears I said yes, as if something in me could not give up on the world. One of the elderly men saints smiled & said she has always been stubborn as others laughed. They were happy for the intercession. Jeremiah, go and tell EbedMelech the Cushite this message: "This is what the Lord of heaven's armies, the God of Israel, says:

Very soon I will make my words about Jerusalem come true. They will come true through disaster, not through good times.. You will see everything come true with your own eyes. But I will save you on that day, Ebed-Melevh, says the Lord. You will not be handed over to the people you fear. I will surely save you, Ebed-Melech. You will not die from a sword. But you will escape and live. This will happen because you have trusted in me, says the Lord. Jeremiah 39: 16-18

The last things I seen in a vision was Satan kneeling before Jesus. Jesus had a flaming sword. Flames dripped from the sword like lava. The Lord was wearing a white Robe & a crown. The enemy was changing forms, a man, to an angel, to a monster devil. Constantly changing forms. Jesus was angry & this seemed to be punishment for the evil the enemy had caused. The Lord picked up the sword & went to cut his wings off for the horrific things he has done to humanity.

The Lord gave me this word:

Everything they did was bad, Just wait, says the Lord. Some day I will hold court and be the judge. I will gather the nations. I will assemble kingdoms, I will pour out my anger on them my angel will be very strong. My angel will be like fire. And the whole world will be burned up. Haggai 3:8

In conclusion- I believe there are many events that are going to take place in sync with one another the enemies plans, through prayers many will be saved.

The enemy is behind this but God will have his vengeance on the enemy! The enemy will be punished for every evil he causes. The enemies plans are being exposed to keep the body of Christ sedated, weary, & shut in by these events. He plans to keep the people of God in a mourning state to steal their joy. Gods has confirmed the warfare, but in his word he also promised his protection because we have trusted in him. He turned me straight to this: I will take away the sadness planned for you. It would have made you very ashamed. At that time I will punish all those who harmed you. I will save my people who are hurt. I will give them praise and honor in every place where they were disgraced. At that time I will gather you. At that time I will bring you back home. I will give you honor & praise from people everywhere. That will happen when I give you back your riches. You will see this with your own eyes," says the Lord. Haggai 3:18-20 Don't be afraid,..don't be so discouraged you can do anything. The Lord will be happy with you. You will rest in his love. He will sings and be joyful about you.

If you would like to watch the video I made on this God gave me further insight & revelation:

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