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Anonymous Blessings!

Hi everyone, as you know we have a family list, there is a particular family now that is practically homeless with three young children, the mother has had knee surgery & trying to work on crutches, she has another major knee surgery scheduled for a few weeks from now.

She is really upset & doing all she can to get a place of her own. Currently staying with a friend, Living in a room with herself & 3 children & dealing with a medical issue. I love her dearly I hate to see her struggle recently she lost her vehicle & is now trying make the payments on another which also is having repairs as well.

We have all been there, one hurdle after another. Her goal is $1,500. I've mentioned helping her, but like most of us moms she really doesn't want to take a place of another needing family. ---This will surprise her she doesn't know (love it):)

So if there is anyway God puts on your heart to donate anything to her or any of the families/ministries in need below please anonymously bless who the Lord tells you in your heart after prayer. I would never mention anyone that i haven't planted a seed into their life myself.

Many of you know I'm not a rich woman I drive a 2007 Hyundai that breaks down often lol :) & I'm a caregiver to my 7 year old son Christian (& 12 year old beautiful girl) who relapsed last year with leukemia & still has a year to go. I live a humble life & I thank God for life every day.

Please share this so we can help one another. Pray you all have a blessed day.

Her cashapp is $isabella1988

I pray we make her goal over the weekend in the mighty name of Jesus so she may have her own place for her & her family Lord Jesus & heal her knee & bless her & every hand & household that blesses her in the name of Jesus Christ! amen

You are making a difference!

Here is the list of other families/ministries in need: if you have issues with the link please go to youtube channel & try to access in the comment section.

Helping Hands Ministry Info: 49I have not spoken on My own, but the Father who sent Me has commanded Me what to say and how to say it. 50And I know that His command leads to eternal life. So I speak exactly what the Father has told Me to say.”…John 12:49


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🔥Sabrina Rogers Prophetic Website:

Donate Help Families in Need🌹

(List located on comment section on youtube channel) raymond.carrington@yahoo (paypal) (minister in need)

New address Helping Hands MINISTRY / Sabrina Rogers

BOX #79 1563 capital circle SE Tallahassee Fl 32301🔥

Send to their PayPal Free bibles email us! Ministry Donations PayPal & email :

Helpful Christian Meditations: {I listen to this almost daily} -anxiety & fear: Rest/trust God: ANOINTED

PRAYERS: Oh Lord at all times help me to live by faith, Faith in your goodness & love Faith in your healing power & deliverance Faith in your mercy & favor Faith in your plan for my life in Jesus name. 2) When I wrestle, when I struggle with the next thing to do, the next step to take, Oh Lord open the door Door of mercy Door of favor Door of BREAKTHROUGH, BREAKTHROUGH, BREAKTHROUGH! In Jesus name To Be saved: Jesus I believe you are the Son of God & your died for my sins & rose again on the third day, enter my heart, I believe in you. (If you are a new believer your welcome to contact me for a free bible & any questions :)

Thank you all so much have a blessed day in Jesus name!

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